RESPONSE TO COVID-19: We recommend consulting with individual programs to find up-to-the-minute information regarding program logistics.
Fine Arts Overnight Camp – Saint Mary's College

Fine Arts Overnight Camp

Scholarships available Music Dance Drama Arts College Prep

Saint Mary's College

Date/Time: Jul 20 - 25, 2025    
Ages: 10-15
Cost: $799.00

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Embark on a journey of self-discovery with friends! Professionally trained instructors guide campers in one discipline: art exploration. Fine Arts Camp focuses on educating young girls and developing their communication, critical, and analytical thinking skills. At the end of the week, campers present their work in a Performing Arts Forum on the O'Laughlin Auditorium stage at Saint Mary’s College. Over five days, participants will explore five fine arts disciplines: music, dance, theater, puppetry, and art. Daily classes in these disciplines are combined with a performance class where each camper specializes in a specific art form. At the end of the week, families are invited to attend a performance of what the campers have been creating throughout the week.


Saint Mary's College
149 Le Mans Hall St Mary S College
Notre Dame, IN 46556


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