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Astronomy – Alfred University Summer Programs


College Prep Nature Stem

Alfred University Summer Programs

Date/Time: Jul 20 - 25, 2025    
Ages: 16-18
Cost: $1,000.00

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Reach for the stars from Alfred! Learn about the night sky, and astronomy, through a series of hands-on STEM activities, and some basic astronomy lectures. You can experience physics and astronomy at Alfred through presentations on active research given by faculty, and undergraduate students. The most exciting part of our program is the night-time observing using our extensive collection of telescopes ranging in size from 8 to 32 inches in diameter. Night-time activities include hand-on learning and open observing. The night-time activities are weather dependent, as such we cannot guarantee clear skies and there will be no refunds due to weather conditions. Additionally, it does not get dark until about 10pm so if clear we will observe approximately until midnight. This program is aimed at high school students at least 16 years old at the time of the camp. This pricing includes tuition, materials, meals, and housing. All housing and meals will take place here on Alfred University’s campus.


Alfred University
1 Saxon Dr.
Alfred, NY 14802


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