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Cryptology Session 9 – Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth

Cryptology Session 9

Stem College Prep Academic Scholarships available Arts Gifted student

Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth

Date/Time: Jul 21, 2024 - Aug 9, 2024    
Ages: 12-17
Cost: $6,599.00
Registration deadline: May 3, 2024

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Cryptology is the study of the codes and ciphers used to create secret writing. This math course explores many early techniques in cryptology, such as cipher wheels, the Caesar shift, polyalphabetic substitution, and the Vigenère cipher, as well as modern techniques like RSA public key cryptography. You and your classmates will learn how data transmitted by computers can be secured with digital encryption, and how the vulnerabilities of each encryption system enable hackers to attack and decrypt messages using techniques such as frequency analysis and cribbing. You’ll apply concepts while encrypting and decrypting your own secret messages. Though the course’s central focus is on the mathematics of cryptology, you’ll also learn the historical context of cryptography and cryptographic devices like the Enigma Machine—one of the most important cryptographic devices in history—so you develop a deep understanding of this branch of mathematics and its applications in the world.


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815 N Broadway.
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866


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